I have taken several of Matt’s two finger banjo courses and have grown so much as a player because of them. I enjoy the structure of having a weekly lesson, as well as getting constructive feedback and encouragement from Matt and the other players in the class. I have also learned so much great music and have gained confidence as a banjo player and a musician. Two finger instruction and material is not easy to find. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to learn from Matt.
— Jenni from Texas

Thumb Lead

Two-Finger Banjo

 If you live in the United States, buy the spiral-bound copy of the book here.

International sales are handled by Elderly Instruments here.

The PDF-only version of the book is on sale here.

Matt Brown’s Two-Finger Banjo book pleases in every way. Some of the banjo arrangements are easy and fun, others challenging and fun, but all are rewarding. Moreover, the physical form of the book, with clearly printed tabs, quality paper, and spiral binding, make the book a joy to work with.
— Max from Oregon